Friday, November 07, 2008

omg where does the time go...

well I spend too much time on facebook..and bongo fury...and in the bongo....and had a week off ... and ... and

Shall i stop blogging...I used to be so dedicated lol

I can't even be bothered to put pics of our week takes so long...much easier on facebook

I may be back but if not look for me on facebook Debbie Pritchard was Sharp xxxx

Monday, October 20, 2008

While I'm here lol

While I'm here lol

This week is work sat working sunday then off for a whole week yehhhh
We've got Thursday planned for Bimbam at Penrhyn then off to haven one night in bongo then the rest of the weekend in a half board me thinks lol..and meeting up with fellow bongoers who have a caravan there!

Sooo just the beginning of the week to plan..Wayne wants to go to bimbams puppet theatre that's open for half term so I'm planning a night in the bongo over that way...just trying to find a good site.....oh I'm so excited...shame Ron's not off but sure me and Wayne will have fun...

Right off to look for somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last week and haven

Last week ended up with Ron there a word...mansick...he was off all week...and we went to haven on friday for 2 nights and it was the bongo...we did all the usual and came home sunday afternoon popping to see V on the way back. Arrived home to a recovered Ron and a chinese

Monday, October 13, 2008

tell me why... I do like mondays...oh apart from sick!

Today we had a lazy startin late on a boomtown rat songs here lol
But as usual then we were so lazy had to mad dash it to nursery....home for lunch then nursery 2 then home to play outside in the sun....yehhh...then school and home to play in the sun...yehhhh
Oh but as we got back one was sick in the car...then it was on me....arggghhhh
Get me away from sick children......................................

Sunday, October 12, 2008


FUN...did I say FUN.....

We arrived and set up which took ages as we weren't sure how we were going to do the seats to sleep...Wayne wanted to sleep downstairs so we decided to store all the gear upstairs to create more room downstairs...then he changed his mind and was crying as I said it was too late...

The rain was lashing down and the wind howling but the roof was ok x

Wayne went to sleep and we sat chatting and about 11pm thought we'd crash...that's when the real fun began.....

Wayne was sick...everywhere...we found a bowl for him and had to chuck the sleeping bag outside..and his him changed and we all settled down again...hoping that was the end of it....noooooo...he continued to be sick regularly all night...I had to keep running to the toilets to wash the bowl out and throw clothes out of the van..and blankets...and it was still pissing it down...then at 5am he had the runs in his was him cleaned up and we all crashed til 10am...shattered and smelly.

When we got up we cleaned what we could and had some brekkie, Wayne was sleeping and we thought we'd hold out to see how he was...well kids do bounce back quickly...I had a shower and we chatted to other bongo owners....then Wayne wanted to go for a walk and had a half hour burst of being ok.....then he crashed out this time I'd seen the real state of the van so we decided to head home. The thought of sleeping in the van again smelling like Wayne was in no fit state.....

Came home and washed the van and been washing ever since...sleeping bags...blankets...clothes...

Last night I felt ropey and yep I was sick....had a bad night but feel much better today

So a bit of a disaster of a weekend..and Wayne announced he didn't want to go in the bongo ever again...he thinks it was the bongo that made him sick.....sigh

But not to be defeated I am looking at going to haven next weekend...if we're ok!! and hopefully we can have more success....well it couldn't be any worse lol

Thursday, October 09, 2008

bongos packed...and balloons

Today we had shel and co over after a morning in llangefni buying things I don't really need some fab books for 49p, stories like 3 bears with a cd...bargain....and a balloon modelling kit....I can now make a dog, sword, flower...impressive huh lol....the packs nearly used up already...may change career and become a travelling balloon entertainer lol...travelling in the bongo of course!!!

Talking of the bongo I've just done a weather update...33mph winds tomoz...should add to the fun....wonder if the raising roof will be ok!?!?! Time will tell I the van nearly packed...waiting for tesco to come...booked an 8 til 10pm slot..sigh and still not here...he's usually early....

So as soon as I finish work tomorrow off we go...can't wait....sure we'll have fun whatever happens xxxx

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

weather for the weekend

Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
Becoming cloudy and breezy on Friday with rain spreading into North Wales. Cloudy on Saturday with rain in all parts. Dry with sunny spells on Sunday.

Well that should be nice then lol

washing bags and bags under eyes!

Today was sunny so I washed the other 2 bags in the bath! Must be mad lol

Had a good day and went to pili palas, shel joined us with her new hairdo...she looks fab...makes me want to cut mine...but then I remember how when I ever cut it I just regret and want to grow it again...could do with a trim though..been a few years lol

Tonight I have been trying to think what we need for our first bongo trip on Friday and I have not a the look of the forecast wellies, waterproofs and tissues for our snotty noses!! At least we have a fan heater to keep us warm! And Ron says there's a chippy down the road...IF it's open...

Had a reply about a variation from cssiw and questions about home ed has nothing to do with my work...and it is nothing to do with them how I home ed...although I do understand where they're coming from in one way as like most they think I should have Wayne sat at a desk from 9 til the words 'autonomous' makes me realise though I perhaps need to record more...but why should I???? arghhh
I'm even thinking of not sending a council letter I've done complaining about lack of funding for ncma on anglesey....think kepping a low profile may be better..there's enough busy bodies in my life

Anyway enough about that.......

I am shattered was up half the night with Wayne not well...he's a lot better they are...hoping we don't have a repeat tonight as I feel like I could fall asleep on the spot...and I want to sleep allll night...bless him though xx can't be helped....

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

amazing 2 blogs in 2 days lol

Today was a funny one...some went early...had some extra...and lots slept....

Ron is home with know the one I've had for 3 weeks and still worked and cooked and...oh no...sorry i've just had a cold lol

I left Wayne with Ron while I ferried kids and went to the bank.

This morning I washed my sleeping bag in the bath...ready for the it was a bit musty after being in the garage...what a good idea...washing it on a wet day...I hung it on the line and it threw it down all day and by tea time it was on the it's now on a radiator with a mop at hand to keep mopping up the water...I don't half make work for myself lol No matter though...hopefully it will be dry for the weathers not going to be according to the forecast! And the way we're all sniffling....sigh sigh sigh..Wayne seems to have gone worse again tonight...

We read a postman pat book at bedtime...Waynes been watching the new one on bbc2...oh they know what they're helicopter, bike, train and van!!! and pat's got sat nav and a mobile...whatever is the world coming too...and all just before chrimbo...hmmmm

Anyway it was an alphabet book and I was amazed how many letters Wayne knew...I never really test him we just learn whatever he wants...and it's times like tonight when you go wow xx He still puts his numbers back to front if it's 12...he'll say 21....

We always have a cuddle after stories and a chat and we were talking about being off half term...I asked Wayne what he wants to do with the 3 days we have...the other days are accounted for.. bimbamboozle at penrhyn and haven...and his reply was
move his postman pat poster
find his lost spiderman figure
watch postman pat

I said don't you want to go anywhere? and he said
Yes we need to go out and collect rubbish and bring it back to make something (he has a bag he puts any shiny choccie wrappers in he's saving to make something)

So he's easy pleased then...